Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Research and Planning:What i plan to do over the christmas holiday

Finish my magazine and fill in missing gaps in my posts.
A semi-finished draft is in the previous post.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Research and Planning: Pogress report

Research and Planning: Serif Fonts

The types of fonts which would be appropriate for my double page spread are serif font, such as Cambria, times new roman etc. This is because these fonts are more legible than other fonts.

this is a serif version of the alphabet and numbers 0 through 9.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Research and Planning: additional post

i went onto this website and copied the names of the bands which went in to my list of bands on the contents page.
here are a few...

Research and Planning: work i still need to do

i still need to take photos and include them in the contents page i need to finish the front page and the double page spread.

Research and Planning: Work so Far 4

Finished my contents page to the best i could without the pictures.
Started the cover with the tear idea i had.