Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Research and Planning: Equipment + Software List

SLR Camera: Needed to take professional looking shots of my models.

Computer: Obviously needed to run the programs and software.
Photoshop: This will be used to create my magazine, and keep it to a professional standard.
Indesign: Will need this to create my contents page.

I will need my props (On the other post) as well as the clothing
I may need a Tripod, depending on the shots i may need to take.

Research and Planning: Costume/ Prop List

               Cover -  Suit, Red Tie, Smart shoes. (Generally showing that since the main story is abut a band breaking up and an artist going solo, i want it to show that since the person is moving into a new area he wants to make a good impression as a start, e.g. wearing the suit and tie. Also its as if hes dressing for the bands funeral as its no longer going on, except the only difference is the red tie which is generally to keep the central image from just being black an white.
               Double page spread - Black jacket, Jeans, trainers. (over the transition between the cover to the double page spread i want to get across the idea that he's moved on and is looking towards the future therefore he will be wearing a more casual getup rather than professional. I may attempt to carry over the red colour to this casual clothing as this will be an association between him still looking professional.

Props and settings:

Guitar both Electric and acoustic. (I will pick one over the other once i have come up with some details in the story e.g. what type of music the band plays or the role f the band member)

Drum kit. (may be necessary for another picture on the front cover or contents page to fill up space)

Stone stairs. (Possible area to shoot central image on cover)

Amplifier (if i choose to use the electric guitar and more space can be filled in in the shot)

Research and Planning: Interview Q/A

Due to the people that I had interviewed being shy there isn't any actual video of them talking, but a recording of their voices instead, due to the same fact instead of individual interviews it had become a discussion.

(Unfortunately the video seems to not be working; will be re-uploaded at a later date)

Research and planning: Drafts of Music Mag( Redone)

Friday, 19 October 2012

Reseach and Planning: Production Schedule

                                  (This may not be accurate, it is a general guide)

Research and Planning: Something to Note (Music Magazine)

I was informed that if I orientate my front cover to look more 'rock' than 'metal' I would attract a larger audience. my questionnaire results generally agree with this.

Research and Planning: Collated Results of Questionnnaire

Friday, 12 October 2012

Research and Planning: Contents Page Analysis

 The genre of this contents page is rock/metal I gather this from the colour scheme used and also the names of the bands used in the contents, Lamb of God, Metalica, Children of Boden I know are metal bands.
The colour scheme on the other hand of yellow white and black doesn't really associate with metal as the colours are a bit vibrant for that therefore I would say that it is a rock/metal magazine.
I think that the target audience would be males as some of the pictures seem a little violent the one in the bottom corner for example. as violence I stereotypically associated with males. Also another thing that convinced me that this is targeted towards males is the fact that its mostly males in the pictures this allows some people (generally males) to try and associate themselves with the people in the pictures and want them to read on to find out about the article.
The layout of this contents page is split up into sections. the pictures on the front are numbered corresponding to a page I think this is to draw someone's interest to that page as it gives them a preview of what is on that page, (unfortunately I am unable to read the top left hand part of the page therefore cannot comment on that).  The title utilises all 3 of the colours used in the contents page, I would say that this is to set the colour scheme at the very start of the page in order to allow more consistency from top to bottom of this page. The actual contents of the magazine are listed to the right of the page, I would argue that although they are the main pint of this page that they were put there out of the way in order to allow the pictures to be placed I that specific way, which advertises the stories better, this could be because the stories are a little bit more significant than the latter.
The main image on that page is the close up on the man wearing a white shirt. this shot is aligned with his eyes so that the audience will see on his level as his equal he is looking down as if he is upset about something which could be explained on the page in the story. This could be used as a ploy as the reader may want to know what he is sad about. There is another 2 types of shots on this page they are medium close ups and a long shot. 2 of the medium close ups are from a low angle whereas another is from an eye level. This could be construed as the editors opinion of such bands or an effort to use 3 similar images but make one of them different in a way. The long shots once again are similar only difference is the amount of people and therefore how much of the shot they cover. The similar images from both are placed next to each other this could be an attempt to reduce there significance and embolden the main image of the page and cause it to stand out more.
The representation from the central image is generally quite good as it gives of the feeling that rock/metal isn't about drugs, drink and women, which leaves the idea that rock/metal is better role model wise than people first think; however the other images still derive from a rock n roll point, poeple going crazy, guns etc.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Analysis

The image on this page shows 4 men all in a medium close up this could show that the band has been together for a very long time and that they are quite close to one another. combined with the article this gives a very positive image, making them appear to be good role models.

To be coninued

Friday, 5 October 2012

Research and Planning: Music Magazine Font Ideas

These are the 3 designs that i have decided upon for a rock/ metal magazine. the top design seems to fit this quite well as the bottom 2 seem less inclined to rock however i would say that all 3 would be used for a metal magazine. Design 2 does not have numbers available which may be a problem depending on the articles and masthead that i choose for my specific music magazine.